Our Chief Engineering Executive, Shehryar, has recently taken on an out-of-the-box approach for getting connected to mobile WiFi. You might have seen people connecting to the internet with PTCL Evo and other such products making use of the wireless internet. One of such products that has become Shehryar's favourite is Evo Wingle - so he decided to experiment. Why carry the laptop everywhere, or search for power sockets, why pay for GPRS / 3G and why go searching for WiFi hotspots when Wingle could provide internet to external devices.
All it needed was power... so the need was to give it on the go battery operated power... and that's exactly what was given to it. Shehryar created a hardware interface that connected an 'off-the-shelf' battery with Wingle letting it power up and create a local WiFi network for his cell phone. Now a laptop or a power socket is not needed to be hurled around to make use of the high speed internet you already paid for; just a pocket interface gadget, Wingle device, the battery and ofcourse the cell phone which one would never leave home anyway. Once the device powers up, you can connect to the WiFi with the cell phone or a tablet (or even let your friends connect to it on the go).
Check out some of the images we took for sharing with you and drop your comments:
If you would like us to create custom gadgets or develop specific products based on your need, you can leave us an email at info@highbrows.pk.